Unique Dry Floatation Room
Unique Dry Floatation Room
During dry floatation therapy you lie floating in the soft embrace of a dry membrane that lets all your troubles float away with a feeling of weightlessness while keeping you totally dry. Floating in an enclosed pod on top of the soft dry membrane, the body feels completely weightless, simulating zero-gravity. Usually around 20 minutes into a float you lose all feeling in your body and transform into a floating consciousness without form. The mind loses all sense of time and space as your brain waves move into a theta state akin to those of a young child or someone in deep meditation. If you are craving for a good and tranquil sleep, our dry floatation bed is what you should look for.

The benefits of our Unique Dry Floatation Beds
• Speeds-up recovery time from physical exercise.
• Increases endorphin production.
• Reduces blood-pressure.
• Energises the body.
• Accelerates learning.
• Heightens the senses.
• Effective in fighting both addiction and depression.
• Spinal tension release
• Reduced swelling of legs and feet
• Improved blood circulation
• Stress and anxiety killer
• Better sleep quality
• Fast recovery from jet-lag
• Mood enhancer through serotonin stimulation