Unique Salt Therapy Room
Unique Salt Therapy Room
Our private Salt Room is an oasis of calm, where you can relax and unwind, you may even find yourself having a little doze while breathing in the healthy atmosphere. All you need to do is sit back, relax and breathe naturally, enjoy the peaceful music and the diffuse colourful lights, by yourself, with your partner or your friends. Salt therapy is said to bring longer term improvement with regular sessions as opposed to the temporary relief provided.
The benefits of our Unique Salt Room
Halotherapy or salt therapy, is the use of dry sodium chloride for the alleviation of respiratory, skin and other disorders. The treatment takes place in specially designed salt room where patients relax while inhaling salt-infused air. The treatment is used for respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs, wheezing, mucosal odema, sinusitis, tonsillitis and hay fever. The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of dry salt also have the bonus of alleviating ear infections and certain skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis and psoriasis. A treatment session involves simply sitting or lying in a room filled and lined with salt, and simply breathing in. Filtered air is fanned into the room by halogenerators, which crush and disperse salt grains in various micro-sizes. The variation in size allows for the larger particles of salt to catch in the nose and throat while the smaller salts reach deep into the lungs. This is said to clear any bronchial inflammation, cleanse and remove pollen particles from the airways, strengthen the immune system, reduce snoring and improve quality of sleep. One of the benefits of salt therapy is that it’s completely drug free, so it’s safe to use in conjunction with any other medications you may be taking. Salt therapy is said to bring longer term improvement with regular sessions as opposed to the temporary relief provided.